Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Years Resolutions

    This morning I found myself reading a friend's blog about Christmas cards and other stuff that she had posted on Facebook. She went on about how only women send out christmas cards. Alli; Yes, I do send out christmas cards out to my friends and family not pressured by a female to do so.

    Then I thought to myself I should do a blog about my plans for the year 2012 AKA New Years Resolutions. This way I can report my progress to others. Also 2012 is the last year in the Mayan Calendar so I better go out feeling/looking good.

1. Workout! I have thought about getting back in shape for years now. I would do a workout routine for about a week and then fall off the wagon and return to the couch. Im an ex-swimmer who was above average in high school so, that is really the only workout routines i know really well. I have thought about doing marathons, triathlons, cross-fit, and bunch of other workout programs but I keep coming back swimming. so far running is the cheapest just shoes and a memorial park is all you need so maybe picking up marathons is the way to go. 

2. Quit Smoking! I have already found my partner in this endeavor. Dion - on the 1st we are quitting! if you have the urge to pick one up call of text ill do the same. 

3. Start my MBA! I looking at University of Liverpool, Arizona State University, or Florida State University. I'm going to have to do the internet program do to my travel schedule for work. The Liverpool program lets you specialized in a certain field i.e. oil and gas, finance, and international business. I plan on starting in the fall. 

4. Pick up a Hobby - I have been meaning to pick up a hobby for some time now. Currently my only hobbies is drinking, smoking, and surfing the internet. sounds fun doesn't it! Last night I stayed in (with 2 bottles of wine) and goofed around the internet. When I had an idea of hiking at Big Bend National Park. I looked at the trills and material needed to do this. I put together a checklist of what i already have and what i needed. Granted i have very little camping and outdoors experience but i do consider myself a rather resourceful person when in a pickle. Im planning on maybe starting at Somerville Lake and hike in the area spend a night or two there and slowly build up my confidence. This would also help with my resolution to work out more.

5. Be apart of a political campaign - so far the GOP candidates for president really haven't inspired me that much bunch of infighting and bullshit. There is a Texas US senate seat open and i know of only one person running for it which is Craig James of the famed "Pony Express". im going to have to do some research on other candidates and see what they stand for. 

6. Eat healthy! - im a meat and potatoes kind of guy. However i need to cut out the sausage and cheese kolaches that i love. i need to eat more veggies, fruit, and non-processed foods. 

Wish me luck on my New Years Resolutions and God Speed! Hopefully im 20 pounds lighter, free of smoking, heading towards my MBA, hiking on a trail in Utah, remembering the people that i have meet in the political campaign from the past November and eating an apple!



  1. Jacob! How much does the University of Liverpool cost? I would love to do MBA online. We should do one together.

  2. Glad I could inspire you and hopefully I didn't offend you in my blog. That was not my intent! Look forward to reading your blog and progress on your 2012 resolutions! I have no doubt you can do it!

  3. Alli, no you didn't offend me that's my sarcastic since of humor coming out!

  4. Sounds like a good start to the new year already! Good Luck! I have decided to do the Nashville half-marathon for my 30th bday challenge, so that is pretty much what I am going to focus on I think. (and go to mass every Sunday, of course :)~ )
