Monday, January 2, 2012

The New Year Has Arrived!

      Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year! (yes i know its late)

  I had a wonderful holiday season with my family! My brother Joey and his wife Laura and their baby girl Ella came in from Nashville, Tenn on christmas morning. We had also had lizzie join us just after she returned from Alabama seeing her family for dominos and other family functions. she also planned  The one tradition we have is to watch "The Ref" durning the Christmas season because of the sarcastic sense of humor that the film has ("slipper socks medium......") for new years I kept it low key and had a couple of bottles of wine with some old friends from high school. Good time busting balls and saying shit that wasn't true. Typical guy bullshit! As for my New Years resolutions im doing ok so far see below. (this list is from a previous blog post)

1. Workout - went running today for about 45 mins. before running I did find my camel pack so i had water with me and a place to hold my iPod while running. All though it took me a while to run the 5k but for running for the 1st time in 3 plus years i think that ok.

2. Quit Smoking - I had 1/2 of a cigaret today but that was the last one of the pack but i have not bought another pack since smoking the last one.

3. Start my MBA - looking at ASU, FSU, and University of Liverpool right now.

4. Pick up a Hobby - for christmas my parents got me a north face pack and other small items for hiking. i did get myself a Leathermen multi-tool, a timex watch, solar panels to charge my iPad and iPhone while out on the trail. My 1st hike will be thursday in the Sam Houston national forest on the lone star trail.

5. Be apart of a political campaign - I have looked the candidates for the Texas U.S. Senate and the candidate that i see most in line with is Tom Leppert out of Dallas. He has been the mayor of Dallas for sometime now and he is fiscally conservative and socially moderate. can't do craig james he sucks on tv. 

6. Eat healthy - im doing ok on the eating part cooking home made pizzas, paula dean's chicken salad but mainly cutting out the fast food so far.

7. Go To Mass every Sunday - yes I went to mass on sunday.

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